
The Eco Zlounge, finalist for the Crystal Cabin Award 2018 in the category of "Passenger Comfort Hardware" is an innovative concept that directly enhances the passenger comfort while providing airlines with new revenue streams. It is a flexible system that enables Economy Class passengers to make use of an empty seat in front of them to stretch their legs onto the seat surface in front. This concept effectively transforms an economy class seat into a home-like lounge sofa.


  • - Project management
  • - Ideation and concept development
  • - Mechanical design


Project Development Phases:

Phase 1: Research


The initial stage of the project was research and ideation. "Users" were recruited to participate in this stage. User research was conducted using low-resolution mock-ups

Phase 2: Design


During this phase, the final concept was selected and refined. Most of the mechanical design took place at this stage. Parts, sub-assemblies, and assemblies were defined; drawings and a list of materials were created; and assembly instructions for the proto shop were produced.

Phase 3: Prototyping


In the final phase of the project, a high-resolution prototype was produced. Close collaboration with the Proto Shop was necessary, along with on-site "last-minute" engineering and design support. The prototype was successfully produced and shipped on time to Huntington Beach, where it was exhibited and tested by customers during the 2018 symposium.